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FRESENIUS - COVID-19 - Implications on nutritional therapy

Dear HCP,

We kindly invite you to join our live webinar series on COVID-19 - Implications on nutritional therapy. You can register on

April 14th:

Feeding the critically ill COVID-19 patient: from recommendations to bedside

April 28th:

After Covid-19: How to optimize nutrition on the road to recovery?

May 12th:

Covid-19 and frailty: The importance of Nutrition & Exercise in community care

This series of webinars provides a platform to connect healthcare professionals with experts in the field and discuss about nutritional support on COVID-19 patients and what needs to be considered when regular practice is challenged.

The webinar allows you to send your questions directly to the speakers from your computer or tablet during the live Q&A session.

The webinars will also be available on recorded videos some days after the live webcast on

Join the first live webinar on April 14th at 16:30 pm: Feeding the critically ill COVID-19 patient: from recommendations to bedside

- Guidance from international nutritional societies (Pierre Singer, Israel)

- What to consider when usual nutrition practice is challenged Juan Carlos López, Spain Lessons learned from Spain Romano Tetamo, Italy Lessons learned from Italy

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