09:15 Welcome
09:25 GLIM Criteria and integration with dysphagia screening
Pr Van Gossum A. – ULB Erasme - Belgium
10:10 IDDSI levels: the science of how and why they work?
Dr Vanderwegen J. – IDDSI Board of Directors – Belgium
10:55 Break and exhibition
11:25 How special textures could be made?
Mr Sels M. – UZA - Belgium
12:10 Treatment of dysphagia disorders: logopedic techniques
Pr Van Nuffelen G. - UZA - Belgium
12:55 Clinical Cases and discussion
Pr A.Lagier and Dr Zicot A.F. – ULg - Belgium
13:30 Conclusion and Closure
Location : KBR- Royal Library of Belgium
Venue: (Salle)Concert(zaal) KBR - Mont des Arts 28 1000 Brussels
The talks will be given in English.
Open to all caregivers involved in nutrition management.
Accreditation credits will be available.
Fees : 10 € for members, 35 € for non-members and 5 euros for the students.