Friday 07/02/2020
08.30h- 12.00h: Joint session BASO-BeSOMS
Obesity and Metabolic surgery for adolescents.
Koen Vandenheede (KCE)
Liver and bariatric surgery
Prof. Philippe Mathurin (Lille)
New pharmaceutical therapy for obesity: competition for surgery ?
Prof. Carel Le Roux (UK)
Coffee break
Pregnancy after obesity surgery.
Prof. Roland Devlieger
Obesity surgery in elderly patient.
Dr. Bruno. Dillemans
Non-surgical complications after obesity surgery.
Dr Eveline Dirinck
13.30-17.30h: BASO Academy for GP’s
13.30-13.40: New BASO guidelines
Prof. Bart Van der Schueren
THE NEED for MULTIDISCIPLINARITY through a clinical case.
13.40-13.50 : What can the dietitian do ? Marie Barea/dr. An Verrijken
13.50-14.00 : What can the psychologist do ? Barbara Lembo
14.00-14.10 : What can the physiotherapist do ? Prof. Dirk Vissers
14.10-14.20 : When to use pharmacological agents ? Prof. Jean Paul Thissen
14.20-14.30 : What can the surgeon do ? Prof. Matthias Lannoo
14.30-14.40 : What can the pediatrician do ? Prof. Inge Gies
14.45-15.30 : Coffee break
15.30-17.00 Joint session BASO-BeSOMS
15.30-16.00: Diabetes and metabolic surgery for BMI 30-35 Prof. Carel Le Roux, UCD
16.00-16.30: Obesity from a health economic point of view Prof. Lieven Annemans, UGent
16.30-17.00: Obesity surgery and cancer Dr. Charles Honoré, IGR
17.00-17.15 : questions
17.15-17.30 : CLOSING SPEECH
17.30-17.45 BASO BEST POSTER PRIZE and BASO General Assembly
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